Shopify to NetSuite Integration: A Quick Guide

Picture of Gary Jain
Gary Jain

Founder, Ledger Labs

Shopify to NetSuite Integration

Table of Contents

One of the most commonly asked questions, in almost all types of industries, is “Should a business proceed with Shopify to NetSuite Integration?” Today we will address the same question and settle it once and for all. 

Shopify is one of the most commonly used and reliable platforms to create e-commerce solutions. A lot of small and medium-scale businesses rely on this platform to create an eCommerce or online shopping solution for their brand. Brands and businesses from all industries have opted for the platform to design customizable eCommerce solutions for each one. Although the Shopify eCommerce solutions work quite smoothly, some businesses may start facing some problems when the number of orders starts to increase.

Firstly, Shopify is not the culprit here. The solutions created using the website are quite amazing and are used by over two million brands around the globe. But when orders increase, problems related to warehouse management, day-to-day operations, purchasing and selling, stock management, etc. appear. 

The ultimate solution left to the businesses is to adopt some third-party platform to manage the regular and miscellaneous requirements of the organization. This is something that NetSuite can help you with.

What is NetSuite?

NetSuite is an online platform that allows you to manage almost every task related to the business. This includes Enterprise resource planning (ERP), NetSuite Accounting and Bookkeeping, financial management, stock management, Customer relationship management (CRM), and much more. 

Any business can integrate the online solutions developed using Shopify with NetSuite. However, businesses can get a little skeptical about the same. The major reason behind this skepticism is the cost and initial efforts involved. 

But if a business decides to proceed with Shopify to NetSuite integration, then it will surely love this move. There are so many benefits of the integration between the two that it becomes worth every penny, every step, and every effort by the end. 

Here, with the help of this article, we will defend the act to integrate Shopify with NetSuite. You will learn all the benefits of this decision to integrate and then you will understand how bringing together both platforms can take over 90% of the regular and day-to-day requirements of any business. That too, irrespective of the industry that the business is employed within. 

You will get everything to understand why so many renowned businesses have decided to proceed with the integration and have shown visible growth afterward. So, let’s proceed to the benefits right away. 

Benefits of Shopify to NetSuite Integration

Hurdles are the way to go running any business. But you can reduce the hurdles and smoothen the flow of the business operations and management with simple Shopify to NetSuite integration. Expert opinion and stats show that you can achieve assured business growth after integrating the two platforms. Don’t believe us? Maybe you will believe your instincts after knowing the benefits of the integration, as provided below. 

1. Sale LineUp 

If you are regularly using Shopify solutions in your business, then it means that the solution has become an important part of operations. You are getting multiple orders online and fulfilling the same accordingly. However, for any type of business, one of the most complicated tasks is to manage and fulfill orders. 

When you decide to go for Shopify to NetSuite integration, you get the advantage of a smoother sales lineup. The coming together of the two platforms will allow you to include the order details in both platforms. This will offer you to get all the required detail related to any order at any point in time. 

Even if a customer edits the existing order, NetSuite will update the same on the platform. The platform will then allow you to line up the new modifications accordingly. 

2. Stock Management 

Another added benefit of Shopify to NetSuite integration is easier stock management. All kinds of businesses face problems related to stock. They don’t have information about the stock requirements in real time. However, with the help of the integration, you can easily manage the stock present within. The integrated platform will reflect your actual and existing stock capacities at the business warehouse. 

It impacts a business very badly whenever a customer finds out that the product they want or order went out of stock, just because the business forgot to update the status on the website or other Shopify platform. You can protect your business from such harmful impacts with the help of Shopify to NetSuite integration. 

The integrated support of the two advanced platforms allows you to set a definitive stock level that you want to maintain. This way, you can ensure that the Shopify platform does not proceed with the purchases and show the user beforehand that the product he is looking for is out of stock or low on stock. 

And that’s not all. One of the unique and very helpful features of the integration is that it also helps businesses with forecasting. It’s best to get specific data about the future requirements of the stock rather than proceeding with the guesswork. This approach ensures that neither any product perishes, nor there is any shortage.

3. Easier To Manage the Cash Flow 

Another sensitive aspect that can easily affect the performance and operations of the business is the flow of cash. If the cash flow is uneven or unpredictable, then it may cause problems for the business to understand the future and present cash requirements. 

With the help of Shopify to NetSuite integration, any business can easily keep an eye on the processes of the flow of cash. This way, any business can easily ascertain the flow of cash at any point in time. If any differences are spotted in the flow, then the business can try to find out the exact reason(s) behind the same and work to remove it. 

Additionally, you can even use the data collected from NetSuite and Shopify to improve and strengthen the flow of funds accordingly. 

4. Data Related to the Point of Sale

The benefits of Shopify to NetSuite integration are varied, but what makes every businessman move toward the decision is the point of sales management. Generally, every business has both an online and offline presence. Even online, every business tries to provide products or services on as many platforms as possible. 

So, when there are multiple selling platforms, it becomes very hard for businesses to ascertain real-time sales; individually and togetherly. This is something that NetSuite-Shopify integration helps you with. Doing this allows businesses to get all the required selling details on a single platform in real time. 

5. Product Management 

As long as Shopify to NetSuite integration is involved, it becomes very easy for a business to undergo product management. This includes CRM, account management, finance management, stocking, ERP, and various other aspects. When all the details related to these fields are acquired in a single space, the business can easily understand the requirements and determine the prices of the products accordingly. 

The business can set up a price that is both affordable for the user, as well as profitable for the business. Additionally, if your business offers multiple products to the users, then Shopify to NetSuite integration will work like a charm for you in easy management of specific products and their status acquisition. 

6. Order Receipt and Refund Management 

When you are dealing with the online space or marketplace, your business needs to manage receipts, failed transactions, refunds, cancellations, and other issues. For the utmost satisfaction of the clients, you need to ensure that the business or the user receives the amount they deserve quickly and immaculately. 

This builds the trust of the user towards your business and brand. Additionally, because of the Shopify to NetSuite integration, you can easily manage the finance of your business. The online integrated platform also reduces the need to hire in-house accountants and bookkeepers. If required, you can hire third-party financial service providers like The Ledger Labs who can help you get the maximum benefits out of the integrated platforms. Such experts have impeccable knowledge about the working of the platforms and hence can play with the same to gather results as well as help in business forecasting as and when required. 

The integration of the duo allows any business to manage and proceed with bulk receipts, payments, cancellations, refunds, and other problems whenever required. 

7. Limitless Integration 

Unlike other forms of integrations of technical platforms, the Shopify to NetSuite integration is just limitless. As it is not complicated, or even any coding involved for the integration, it becomes quite easy for the business to proceed with the move. The business owners or managers can proceed with the integration without any or minimal technical support. 

8. Easy to Use 

The interface of the Shopify to NetSuite integration features is quite straightforward. Even a beginner or novice businessman uses the platforms. The interface shows everything that any feature does. So, the user can direct the platform to show exactly what’s needed. 

For example, if you want to check some order history or the report related to the orders of the previous month, then you can simply select the period, types of orders, etc. and proceed. Multiple filters are also available for you to get precise data quickly. You don’t need to go through the physical records, bring together the required data, and perform a series of other steps to reach the conclusion. 

9. Customized Plans and Platforms 

Every business is not the same. Hence, multiple methods are available for you to proceed with Shopify to NetSuite integration. You can opt for any type of level of integration option that suits your business requirements. Start small, as there is always scope to go big. Try out the integrated module at a small scale and then expand accordingly. 

Shopify to NetSuite Integration: By All Means or Absolutely Not 

The information gathered from the above sections of this article is easy to comprehend. All the details provided above point in one direction, the benefits of integrating Shopify with NetSuite make it worth following this decision. The ease you get by employing the integration is impeccable. With all the data related to business operations on a unified platform, the business can easily sort matters related to finance, inventory, and more. All the businesses who have ever moved in the favor of this decision have not regretted it and it is quite beneficial for others to proceed with Shopify to NetSuite integration as well.

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